I remember a real life teenage "Sheldon Cooper" that made it to the evening news for building an atomic reactor.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
"Fantasy" scifi
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Why ice-core CO2 theories are easily proven wrong....and why you should care.
We've all been told that CO2 is responsible for global warming and that all you have to do is look at ice-core samples to prove it. Unfortunately, ice-core samples are easily proven dangerously wrong.
First, their 'science'. They take a sample of ice, melt it, and test it for CO2 concentrations, then extrapolate their findings from there. If the melted water has absorbed high CO2 levels, like prehistoric seltzer, then this is 'proof' that CO2 levels were high when that snow was falling, the water droplets having absorbed the higher CO2 from the air while freezing in the atmosphere.
Here is where that assumption is easily proven wrong. There are other ways to get higher concentrations of CO2 in ice. CO2 falls from the air like snow on its own at –71f to –109f, temperatures that the poles routinely experience for several months (winter) every year for the last billion or so years. Antarctica holds the record at –128f on July 21, 1983, more than cold enough to make CO2 fall like snow.
So, what would happen if tons of CO2 fell like snow for a few months? Would it leave a record of this bitter cold in the ice? Would evidence of such a severe winter survive for thousands of years as a pocket of dry ice in these cores?
Well, no. It would not. Dry ice sublimes (passes from solid to gas) long before regular water ice melts and shouldn't 'survive' arctic summers.
So, what happens to this dry ice if it doesn't survive the summers of a balmy –32f?
The dry ice turns back to gas but it's 'trapped' under several feet of frozen water in the form of ice and snow. THIS is when the CO2 gets absorbed into the snow crystals, NOT when they were freezing and falling through the atmosphere but when the dry ice was melting!
So, instead of being a record of atmospheric concentrations of CO2, the ice core record is instead a record of EXTREMELY cold winters, and nothing more. At the very least, the ice core record is polluted by this phenomenon.
But, you say, this is just a wild theory.
Let's test it, shall we.
Take two glasses, two books, some ice, dry ice, and a blender.
Take the piece of dry ice and rub it against a cheese grader over ONE of the cups until an inch of 'snow' is in the bottom.
Next, put some ice into a blender and blend until snow. Add equal amounts to both glasses, then cover both with books. Ideally this is done in canning jars with the weight of the books keeping the canning lids on. As the CO2 turns to a gas, the lid will, with effort, push the book up (DO NOT screw down the lid, it WILL EXPLODE) and vent. The weight of the book simulates the weight and pressure of several feet of snow.
Wait until all ice melts and only water remains.
Then drop a Mentos into each and you'll find that CO2 has been absorbed into the 'ice core sample', even though BOTH samples of ice had been frozen under identical atmospheric CO2 levels.
But, all is not bad.
Let's turn this frown upside down, for there is more to be learned from this.
Let's say that CO2 IS causing global warming anyway. How has what you've just learned useful?
: )
For three months every year, nature gifts mankind with a way to REMOVE CO2 FROM THE AIR with virtually NO EFFORT on our part. All we need do is help it along the way.
Here's how.
Nuclear powerplants are not what they used to be. With STAR technology, (Google STAR under LLNL.Gov) you can put dozens of megawatts in a box the size of a sea container (about the size of a trailer on the back of a semi). When the temp is right, you turn on the dry-ice equivalent of snow machines at the pole, basic air-conditioner technology. CO2 falls from the sky for months at pennies per metric ton. Now, keep in mind, this IS ATMOSPERIC CO2. This is actually taking CO2 out of the air. This is not some sort of mitigation scheme. This can actually reverse the last hundred years in under a decade!
When summer comes around, you pump ocean water to r device and 'cap' the dry ice with several feet of frozen water and regular snow. This sequesters the CO2. If you wanted, you could use mining equipment and earthmovers to bury it, but it seems much simpler to use nature's example.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Invention idea
Friday, May 11, 2012
Obama's latest lie, exposed on ABC NEWS last night
and hydraulic fracturing are quickly turning the U.S. into an oil
superpower. By some estimates, 2 trillion barrels of oil are
waiting to be drilled -- nearly twice the reserves in the Middle
East and North Africa...."
Maybe now he can say "yes we can."
The oil is here, Mr president, and there's so damn much of it that Even the DNC affiliates at ABC can't cover it up anymore!